Kim Mullan Blog
Comparing the London-St. Thomas Real Estate Markets: July 2023 vs. July 2024
August 17th 2024
The real estate markets in London-St. Thomas have been a hot topic for homeowners, buyers, and investors alike. By examining the data from July 2023 and July 2024, we can uncover some key trends and shifts that have taken place over the year.
Selling your home in a buyer's market
October 28th 2023
Selling Your Home in a Buyer's Market: Strategies for Success In today's competitive real estate landscape, selling your home in a buyer's market demands a strategic approach. Here are some key tactics to maximize yourchances of a successful sale.
Sale of buyer's property conditional - Lets Talk
October 18th 2023
When you accept an offer with a condition of sale of buyer's property you do not give up your right to be actively marketed in the same manner you originally were. In a busy or hot market this is less critical but in a softer market you can't risk less activity. As a seller you need to be fully...
When it comes to selling your home, flexibility is key.
October 9th 2023
Occasionally seller’s believe that buyers should work around their schedule for showings & will be motivated enough to reschedule their viewings. However, in a quiet real estate market, this approach can be detrimental. Buyers who cannot access a home at a convenient time often don't return....
The Nose Knows!
October 1st 2023
In the competive world of real estate, first impressions are everything and few things make a more immediate impact than scents. Whether you're selling your home or trying to buy one, noxios odours can be a deal breaker. Pungent culprits can buyers running to another lisitng.
Bridge Financing. Why You Need to Understand the Language.
March 4th 2018
When a Buyer tells me they are ok to waive financing and can "carry" the property if their own home hasn't sold in time I like to make sure we are all speaking the same language. Sometimes people are talking about something else entirely...Bridge Financing.
Should We Stay or Should We Go? - Selling Higher End Homes in the Off-Season Market
November 22nd 2016
Does it make sense to take your home off the market for the Holiday Season or Winter and re-list in the spring? That depends...What price point is your property and how large is the buyer audience?
Abandon The Pursuit of Happiness: Pursue Resilience Instead
September 22nd 2017
"I have come to understand that the pursuit of happiness is an illusion and one which we should all abandon immediately for the good of our mental and physical health. Ouch, right?" Thanks to Angela Scott for some insight...